Making The Most Of Medical Insurance

Making The Most Of Medical Insurance: Selection 101

  • Safeguarding Your Health Through Comprehensive Insurance

    High unexpected medical bills are among the leading causes of poverty in the United States. As a result, it is critical to have a medical insurance plan in place for when you become ill or injured unexpectedly. With the realization of how burdensome healthcare costs can be, insurance plans are available to assist you in settling exorbitant costs that you would otherwise be unable to bear alone. Different health insurance plans provide different options for covering various costs associated with your treatment.

  • Medicare Vocabulary For Beginners

    When signing up for Medicare, you will probably find that there is a lot of Medicare-specific vocabulary that you may not be familiar with. For example, do you need an Advantage plan, or does a supplemental plan better suit your needs? Do you need a Supplemental Plan F, or are you needing a Part D drug plan? What is the difference? In an effort to help you, here are a few basic vocabulary items so that you can explain yourself eloquently or better understand what someone is talking about when they are discussing your Medicare.

  • How Can You Get Health Insurance?

    Everyone should have health insurance. Many health insurance plans pay for basic preventative care, which will allow you to get checkups and vaccines that will keep you healthy. Health insurance can also protect you in the event of a medical emergency, so you'll never get stuck paying a whole hospital bill. You can get health insurance from a few different places, depending on your age, financial situation, and employer. Here are four common ways you can secure health insurance:

  • Missed The Cut-Off For Open Enrollment Through The Marketplace? How You Can Still Enroll

    It can be frustrating to realize that you have missed a deadline for something important, especially when something is as important is healthcare. It is understandable if you do miss this deadline, given that open enrollment starts in November, right when the holiday season is kicking into gear. However, if you cannot make time to enroll, the Marketplace does not remain open for you. Since it is nearly impossible to go without health insurance in this country, you will have to figure something out.

  • 4 Tips To Follow When Signing Up For Medicare

    Characterized as the federal health insurance option for seniors and some individuals with disabilities, Medicare can be an imperative part of your health and wellness. Of course, enrolling in Medicare is not so simple for some people. Help is available, though. This guide will give you a few simple tips to follow when it is time to enroll in Medicare. Don't Procrastinate Enrolling requires more than a few clicks of your computer keyboard – it will require some time and Medicare planning.

  • About Me

    Making The Most Of Medical Insurance: Selection 101

    When my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness in my pre-teen years, I saw first-hand how hard it could be to get proper medical care without good insurance. As a result, I spent many years researching the medical insurance industry and learning how to select the right coverage for different life situations. Since I knew that the information wasn't readily available in many places, I decided to create this site. No matter what stage of life you're in, I hope that the information here proves helpful to you. Whether you're choosing a new insurance plan or just trying to figure out how to make the one you have work for you, this site can help.

